Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Keeping my head above water

Oh, my, it has been a long time since I posted, hasn't it? I miss doing it, blogging has a therapeutic effect on me. It's like my public diary, except it forces me to speak kindly, with care, and with love:)
Above are some little fall barrettes I put together this morning for my Bella Boo (the three year old). I needed to do something creative since the past few weeks have focused so heavily on writing for school, reading, working...I've had a great summer with my kids anyway, I think I did a good job focusing on work and homework two days a week, leaving the other days free to spend time just being with them and doing fun stuff.
School was very draining this summer, my multicultural counseling class had some pretty heavy reading requirements, and we also had to journal on every day of class. There is so much I didn't know, I learned so many horrifying things regarding minorities and their experience in the US; regardless of how much I try to do my share of volunteering, advocating, and educating myself concerning social justice issues, this in depth look into history was very eye opening.
I am being careful to guard my heart against bitterness and pessimism, and take the things I've learned as motivators to continue to do good;
I've been thinking about so many things lately, but motherhood styles have been on my mind a lot...What are we teaching our kids? What values are we leaving behind and how are they going to affect the adults they will become? More on this to come soon! For now, have a great summer day!!!

1 comment:

  1. I think those barrettes are awesome. I'm sure they were appreciated. Blogging is therapeutic because it reaches the soul. Nice post. Have a great Wednesday.


Thanks for leaving a comment! Hope to see you back here soon:)Beijos, allypye