Friday, August 28, 2009

this week's art

This is a short one, just some pics of two things I worked on this week... A mixed media piece for my living room and a book mark. I also painted a portrait of my daughter but you guys already saw that... So tired this week, I am glad it is over!!!

Have a good weekend!


  1. I love the bookmark, it's just what I need. I think I will make myself one as well. You just have given me an idea. I keep losing my place in this cookbook I'm reading and I either stick a pencil or something in there to keep the page but I have some of tags that I can doctor up. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.

  2. Hi Ally, I'm glad you liked the drawing pad I made for my son! I'm going to try to make one for a boy and one for a girl, and I will let you know when I post them in my etsy shop, so that you can check them out if you like.
    It's guarana a drink? Because I have a Brazilian neighbor and she gave me a really good soda drink that looks like the one in the picture.

    I like your bookmark and you art piece is beautiful too!!!

  3. thank you for stopping by my blog! enjoy your journey!!!

  4. Hi Ally. Thanks for following my blog, I follow your great blog already. I look forward to reading more of your posts and enjoying your works of art. Have a great weekend/Labor Day.


Thanks for leaving a comment! Hope to see you back here soon:)Beijos, allypye