Little bitty sketch
I thought I was done with Art for a while. At least that's what I told everyone after my last show 6 months ago. I told my professors, co-workers, family members, my HUSBAND- that was it for a while, and I would solely focus on finishing my Master's, working part time and tend to the matters of my home life. All of the above mentioned people were affected in some way by the demands that making Art had put on my life. Late papers, late for work, not enough down time, not enough couple time-
"Just until the show is over" I would say to them. I was so relieved to take the pieces down, hang them on my walls and just enjoy them for a while. But the truth is, even though the process and the deadline pressures of putting together an exhibit are exhausting, I LOVE making Art, and it is really the one thing that makes sense to me these days.
Somehow its soothing effect shields me from worry when we are broke, pain when friends are crappy, anxiety when I am overloaded and guilt when I feel inadequate. We wear so many hats in life, but it seems when you finally find the one that makes you feel like YOU, it interferes with all the other hats you're supposed to be wearing (at the same time, may I add).
So here I am again, going through a tough time in my life, missing art like crazy because it fulfills all the empty spaces left open by what could have been.
Going back into it is tough, there is so much good stuff being made out there, I feel intimidated.
I tried to open an ESTY shop just to get myself going, even though I have nothing new to show, I am excited about it, it has promise it seems like...
Now, I just need to find the mojo to create again...
Because when I don't, the knots inside, the pain, the shame, the crap, all of it, it just has nowhere to go.
Thanks for reading!
I am so glad you are making art again. God has given you a gift and I hope it makes you feel better to use it and get all those icky feelings out and onto the paper. Good luck with your ETSY shop. I can't wait to check it out.