Thursday, July 1, 2010

I am beginning to like the sound of this!

Lately some things have clicked in my mind about crafting. I love making stuff for kids (especially girls, but hoping to expand to boys too soon); although the line that separates fine art and craft still makes a buzz in my ear from time to time,
I've decided to gear my Etsy Shop to Children's ART and Accessories. Making this stuff makes me feel great, and it provides a whole new avenue for expression. I think it can only do good things for my future fine art endeavors, rather than harm them, as I had previously assumed. The frame of mind that I put myself into while making kids crafts is incredibly energizing. Being immersed into a world of color, beauty and fantasy inevitably gives me a more positive outlook and a different perspective not only in art but in life as well.
As I write this, words like fullfillment, joy and satisfaction come to mind, and I become amazingly humbled to know that these are the things God knew I needed in my life! How amazing are the gifts and their amazing power to heal and renew.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your craft. It's a great feeling to get lost in our crafts. It's like we become one with whatever it is we are creating. Enjoy, have fun, and be happy. Take care.Oh, Happy Fourth. Take care.


Thanks for leaving a comment! Hope to see you back here soon:)Beijos, allypye