Art, Simple Living, Family and Love
"Walk in the Woods" photographed by allypye
MY favorite month ever!!! Not growing up having Halloween sure makes a kid out of me in the early Fall! I love everything about it, the costumes, trick or treating, hay rides, apple cider, pumpkin carving, and... the chance it gives me to be CREATIVE on my own and with the kids! This year money is SUPER tight, so I have had to come up with frugal ways of decorating and re-using stuff that I have around the house...I would love more ideas for Halloween crafts, so if you have any, let me know...
Hanging Halloween Scene: I finished this one last week and it was so much fun! Probably two or three hours from beginning to end and pretty much the same procedure as the little pillow (see below) with the exception of the batting;
Little Ghost Pillow: I love this little guy!
Pumpkin Mosaic: Did this one with the three year old last week.
Little Ghosts: These little ghosts were done by my boys last year, but they are in great shape, so I am putting them up again:
That's all for now, thanks for reading!
beijos, allypye
Book # 1: Beautiful book, I absolutely LOVE the ideas here!
Messenger Bag: Kohls rocks my world! This brand (AXCESS), is my favorite!
Real Simple Mag Subscription: If you have been reading this blog for a while, you know I was happy about this one...
JULIA, oh, JULIA!! The missing piece to my love affair with the movie and the book; So far I have only chopped veggies "Julia Style", didn't go so well but I will keep practicing!
Soldering Iron: I cannot wait to get started on some mixed media stuff with this heat machine!
Book #2: A while ago I had a post on this book. Beautiful and Inspiring, now it is mine:)
Pipoca and Guarana: My favorite snack as a child growing up in Brazil, now is one of many simple pleasures that help maintain my sanity. This blog is as much about self-discovery as it is about clearing and exploring new paths. My hope is to deepen my connection to the world through artistic expression;