Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Homemade Halloween

MY favorite month ever!!! Not growing up having Halloween sure makes a kid out of me in the early Fall! I love everything about it, the costumes, trick or treating, hay rides, apple cider, pumpkin carving, and... the chance it gives me to be CREATIVE on my own and with the kids! This year money is SUPER tight, so I have had to come up with frugal ways of decorating and re-using stuff that I have around the house...I would love more ideas for Halloween crafts, so if you have any, let me know...

My little love (the 6 year old) and I making a Spooky Scene on a shoe box lid and threading leaves gathered from our neighborhood. Going outdoors for supplies is one of my favorite things to do, since it gets them to see beauty in places never before imagined. Plus, it gives us a chance to say hello to the neighbors...

Other stuff:

Hanging Halloween Scene: I finished this one last week and it was so much fun! Probably two or three hours from beginning to end and pretty much the same procedure as the little pillow (see below) with the exception of the batting;

Little Ghost Pillow: I love this little guy!

  • Felt, Embroidery floss, Ribbon, Quilt Batting and Felt Glue. So easy, and you can be done in a couple of hours.

  • Just get some felt and draw the patterns with a sharpie pen, cut them out and glue you scene on the felt piece that will be sewn into the pillow; then sew three sides of the 81/2 x 11 felt sheet and stuff it with the batting; sew the little pillow shut and add embellishment stitches with the embroidery floss.DONE!

Pumpkin Mosaic: Did this one with the three year old last week.

  • All it takes is some construction paper, a glue stick, some crayons, ribbon and a hole punch.

  • Draw a simple outline of a pumpkin on a piece of paper and let your child go nuts with the ripping and tearing; glue the pieces on and add the details with crayons! We did this after reading the book "Pumpkin Circle: The Story of a Garden" http://www.amazon.com/Pumpkin-Circle-Garden-George-Levenson/dp/1582460787

Little Ghosts: These little ghosts were done by my boys last year, but they are in great shape, so I am putting them up again:

  • You need round circles of white tulle (dollar store), tissues (yeah, like Kleenex), a black marker, small Styrofoam balls (other more environmentally friendly option would be better, but that's what I had), black pipe cleaners. I thought it would be cute to add ribbons to the necks but I didn't have any at the time so they are tied with black string.
  • To make them, just cover each ball with one or two sheets of tissue paper, draw the eyes with the marker and cover it with the tulle. Stick the pipe cleaner through the little ghost's head and make a loop at the top for hanging.

That's all for now, thanks for reading!

beijos, allypye

1 comment:

  1. I love your little ghost pillow. You remind me of my friend Dida who is always making different things with materials or what ever she has around the house. This is one of my favorite months too. Have a great week Ally.


Thanks for leaving a comment! Hope to see you back here soon:)Beijos, allypye